Saturday, July 24, 2010

Gateway Festival/Reunion

This weekend marks the 6th Annual Gateway Festival aka 'The greatest shindig this side of the Arctic Circle". It's a huge feat really to have a large event like this in the tiny town of Bengough (my home town). While it's not nearly as large as Craven, it's also no where near any large cities.....or large buildings for that matter. Good times are had by all and the guest list is incredibly varied. Corb Lund? Had 'em. Emerson Drive? Had 'em. Fred Penner? Hells yeah we had him! The weather has really come through for the organizers and it should be another wicked weekend in 'the goff'.

What else is going on this weekend? Well my high school class is holding it's 10 year reunion at the festival for obvious synergenic (not a word, but it works) reasons. Our class was huge by Bengough standards, 24 students. In kindergarten we had 30 kids! We lost several to moves, a couple to failed grades (Grade 2 was the weeding out year, sound like 2nd year of uni to anyone?) and gained some insta-students from new families. 10 You know you're old when? I don't feel old, I don't think I look old (though I probably do) and I don't want to be old. Thusly, I am not old. My logic is sound. Would have liked to see everyone again but the outback's call was too strong.

I look forward to creeping on Facebook for many drunken photos from this weekend back home.

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