Monday, July 19, 2010

The Craven Award

It's been awhile since we sat down to talk to each other but I've been trying to build up some stuff worth telling you in the meantime.

For starters, I want to give a big shout out to my other brother Darryl. He recently won Slugfest (think home run derby, but for slo-pitch) in Saskatoon beating out a huge field of over 32 other dudes. The win was made all the sweeter when the final guy to beat was a disreputable bloke (aka douchebag).

What's new with me? Where to start? Lately I've been helping out with the logging and sampling on an RC (reverse circulation) rig. These rigs usually get used for oil and gas jobs but every now and then they get used for other exploration. They only provide you with little rock chips to look at so it's all really more of an art than a science when you're trying to describe things.

I've been able to take a break each day (when work is caught up and the drill is behind) to do some scrambling. There's some mini-escarpment by where we are and I've been conquering their barely-above-sea-level peaks. At least it gets me up above the flat and offers great views. I probably only get up to 30 m high and you can see for miles. The region we're in is classified as tropical savanna because of the extreme ends of the wet and dry scale. So while there are thousands of trees around, they are spread out to maximize growth and water usage. Being so spread out also means that you rarely find shade, but at least it's not a true desert where there's only scrub brush and flat sandy land.

I can't let this update go without telling you all about a recent trophy that was constructed in my honour. A couple weeks ago when I returned from Vietnam, a wizened and grizzled travel vet, the boys at King River had something waiting for me. After hearing about the 'diesel incident' (for which I am now famous...or infamous....either one works really) they took it upon themselves to construct a trophy dedicated to acts of numb-skullery.

 It is called the "Knob of the Week" and it was made out of an old door knob that didn't work anymore. It took one of the fieldies over half an hour to carve the letters onto the plate with a Dremel tool. It was a long process of blood, sweat and tears involved in its creation. However, I'm sure just about everyone here would say it was worth it. Seeing as how I was the inaugural winner of said trophy, it has also gone by the moniker, 'the Craven Award'. You don't win an Oscar here, but you can win a Craven.

"As you can see there's been a few winners since my inauspicious day. Misty was the latest winner when she locked herself in one of the vehicles."

p.s. Can't believe how the Riders have started the season. 3 quality wins against quality opponents. I predict we go 1-3 over the next 4 games.

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