Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Business as Usual

Fortunately or unfortunately my job has turned into one more closely resembling the one I normally occupy back in Canada. This has in turn made for fewer adventures and more routine days. Sure Misty had a huge Huntsman spider in her sleeping bag. Sure one of the fieldies found a snake under his tent....pffft. Didn't happen to me so what's the big deal?

In all seriousness, things have begun to settle down for me here and it's time to hit a stride....or pace.....or some sort of motion driven activity that leads to continual completion of tasks. Yeah that's it.

In the morning I drive to the rigs. Then I scan the core to see if it's 'hot' (ie radioactive). Then I drive the core back to camp. I load it onto racks. Then I log the core (or more accurately, train others to log it, as I am doing now). Rinse and repeat.

I wouldn't want you to go home totally empty handed though. As a parting nod to the sights of the last camp I was at, here are some photos for your enjoyment.

"Not long before I left Jabiru and Kakadu National Park we did some scouting with the chopper. You remember that arch? Well, I got a closer look.....the chopper couldn't safely get any closer but this view did nicely."

"A shot from my last hike in the bush there. You see that tree immediately to my left? There's a green tree ant nest in the branches. Seconds after this photo I will walk into it. I will then swear....a lot."

"Just climbin' some rocks, takin' some pics..."

"I know I'm ruining the view, but in the background is the East Alligator River Valley. We were about halfway up the valley wall at this point."

"Ranger Uranium Mine. The town of Jabiru wouldn't exist if not for this mine. Whether that's good or bad is up to people much better than myself. The mine is situated out in the middle of a flood plain and has to contend with the wet season every year."

"Cockatoos flying around in the courtyard at the resort I was staying at. Kind of odd to see them instead of pigeons or gulls."

"We found a pretty cool creek bed. This tree jutted out right across most of it. Probably the unique part of this area was the shade.... the blissful shade."

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