Monday, June 7, 2010

Camp Tour

Before things get crazy around here I wanted to take you on a tour of the camp.

"The tents are laid out all over the place. Underbrush was burned out weeks ago so that it doesn't catch on fire later in the dry season. My tent is sort middle right closest to the camera."

"My humble abode. Probably measures 10'x10' at the base, but stands high enough that you don't have to duck down when you're getting dressed. The bed is up on long legs to get it off the ground."

"We're going to have such a big crew here we'll likely end up needing all of these tents during meal times. The main one is on the left. The designated smoking area is on the right. There's a dart board behind the bush on the right hanging from the end of that white container. It hangs at regulation height and has a foot board that is at the regulated distance. Apparently darts is serious business around here."

"Our top notch gym facilities. To the left of this picture is a chin-up bar, swiss ball, and a lat pull down bar rigged with pulleys and rope."

"The billabong where we get our water. Obviously it's purified before we drink it. That's a croc trap in the foreground. Turns out that one they caught the first time was a female saltie. Maybe there's a male still in there somewhere."

I have more photos but it takes forever to upload these as it is. Hope you enjoyed the mini-tour.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh man, if that "billabong" tastes like it looks, I feel sorry for you. Did you have flashbacks from SGS mapping days when you saw your tent?

  3. This tent is bigger! But yes, it does take me back. It's kind of nostalgic at the moment. It may or may not lapse into getting old very soon but I think it'll be ok for me for the summer.
