Sunday, May 30, 2010

Crying babies and why 1st Class is all it's cracked up to be...

I haven't even left Canada yet and I'm already feeling the massive difference between 1st class and economy.

From Saskatoon to Calgary I flew in economy. Behind sat a lovely british (yes, lower case, this is our country now damnit) couple with an airplane baby. I say airplane baby instead of baby because a normal baby stops crying. An airplane baby feels the need to cry from takeoff until landing regardless of the flight time. In fact, I'm betting that one would stay awake for a flight around the equator just so it could cry. Don't believe me? Check this out for the proof:

From Calgary to Vancouver was in 1st Class. Big difference. No airplane babies. No one sitting beside me. A seat wide enough to accomodate 3 of my buttocks (one cheek would be a singular buttock). Oh and endless booze. No, I didn't get drunk, only had 1 beer. But still, it was there! The stewardess brings bottles of wine out to people for them to select what they want. I don't know if I'll ever live a life of decadence, but if I do, I hope it feels like 1st class.

Weather is fair with a chance of shitty here in Hongcouver. I'm expecting conditions to hold and the departure to be on time at 11:50pm local (pacific) time.

I'll be hanging out in the Maple Leaf Lounge. It has an open bar and snack food. Apparently you have to be an alcoholic to fly 1st class. It's the only way to truly get your money's worth.

Next time I check in will be on another continent. My choice for in flight entertainment to Sydney will be 'Lost'. Ironic? Foreboding? I laugh in the face of these words.

p.s. If my plane crashes and I am stranded on an island for the next 6 years you are hereby rendered an asshole if you bring up this post jokingly. Seriously, I will face-punch you in the orbital bone if you say I 'got what I asked for'.

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