Thursday, September 2, 2010

Signing off....

I should have done this earlier, but it's been a busy time since returning to Canada on August 20th. I think it's probably best if I don't go into details about my two week vacation with Ashton so that I still have a couple stories to tell if anyone out there wants to chat about the summer.

Some bullet points to get us started when we meet:
- Sydney has a great downtown area
- Scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef is about as cool as it gets
- Australia is expensive (probably more expensive than our trip to Italy)
- Steve Irwin's (think Crocodile Hunter) Zoo is awesome
- Virgin Blue is the best domestic airline in Australia
- 'Inception' in IMAX was awesome
- Byron Bay really is as picturesque as everyone says it is
- getting to hang out with old Aussie friends from uni was a lot of fun
- Jet lag was bad bug manageable

For anyone who catches this final post, I hope you enjoyed the blog. If I ever get the chance to do some international work in the future I might do something similar. Even if no one reads it, it's still a nice way for me to record memories for the future. I only chose to do it as a blog because I thought the rest of you might get some entertainment out of the deal.

I'll leave you with a few Scuba photos. Goodnight everybody.

"Hanging out around 15 m down."

"A Green Turtle hanging out in the sand at the bottom."

"We sure did get lost down there..."

And one photo of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge for the road...

 Ok, maybe one more...